Saturday, September 11, 2010

In New York on 9-11 Number 9

What a sad thing it is to contemplate that on a day exactly like today was in New York nine years ago, terror that none of us will ever forget struck New York and changed history forever!

It just happened that we met with our agent for our new book on Entitlement at the Harvard Club a couple of days ago. 

2010-09-08 NYC, McKay 3893


The next day we had lunch with our new editor at Penguin and her number 1 assistant darling Miriam Rich (daughter of our dear friends Bob and Mary Rich who we just did the program with at the Visitor’s Center in DC).  I forgot to take a picture…darn but it just happened that directly across the street from where we had lunch was the Fire Museum which held a memorial exhibit of 9/11.  Since it was 9/9 we went in and were full of sorrow as we remembered that fateful day!


2010-09-09 911, agent, apple picking  3909

2010-09-09 911, agent, apple picking  3904

2010-09-09 911, agent, apple picking  3907

2010-09-09 911, agent, apple picking  3906

2010-09-09 911, agent, apple picking  3908

2010-09-09 911, agent, apple picking  3903


It’s good to think about and mourn again with those who lost loved ones, not only here but at the Pentagon and on that field in the midwest.  

Next year will be the 10 year anniversary (how is that possible) and they plan to have the memorial and the new building finished by then. Today everything in the media was plastered with remembrances of 9/11 including an enormous flag draped across the George Washington Bridge where we drove with the N&K Eyres (blog coming later on that). It’s all so sobering! What a sad sad day!

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