Thursday, October 6, 2011

BCRANK (Beaver Creek Ranch at Narnia Canyon)

Time to take a break from the minutia of launching a new book, which feels very much like having a new baby, take a deep breath and enjoy the wonders of nature!

On Monday as we listened to the weather and heard the inevitable was coming….SNOW!

We’ve had my kind of autumn at BCRANK. Hot air, cool breezes, then a cool snap and sudden brilliant reds, oranges and yellows. Summer is glorious in our neck of the woods. Also short. Autumn is nothing short of spectacular…and even shorter. So I put on my five-finger walking shoes and took the “long walk” (five minutes) to our little slice of heaven, a series of beaver dams that keep us mystified thinking about these incredibly industrious nocturnal animals. We’ve never seen even one beaver in all the years we’ve been here, but their insatiable need to build, build, build, have created a wonderland in our backyard. In addition we have fields of cattails and a little old structure we have nicknamed “The Pony Express Station”, having no idea if that was really what it was. Romantic thought though.

There’s nothing like ‘a walk in the woods’ to revive your soul and gird up your loins for a winter that lasts about nine months.  So here we go:




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Here is the evidence of the “night shift” of the beavers:



The path leads to the glories of autumn.











A path to “ye old pony express station” from years gone by:


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Someone has found a place of rest!  









Home again….bracing for the S word!


1 comment:

green said...

Hello! I have just been thinking I ought to give you a link to something ghat might help the gout and sciatica, you are so good to always help others, I just wanted to return some good to you:

This is the link and read the reviews to see what you think!

Good luck and thank you for all the good you pour out into world.