Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reunion 2010!

There’s just nothing like having the family all back together again!  July is heaven for us as people start piling in to Bear Lake. The “Weed Wacker” T shirts this year were a hit with an inside joke for both Rick and me!


We started off with a bang at the traditional bonfire where we all guessed whose favorite song of the year was playing. Jeff played the first 30 seconds for the car radio as we guessed.  Fun for the kids too who have their own CD to go along with the adult CD. Of course, smores all around too!


The Eyre Olympics were a riot this year with the little kids having a great time competing with their cousins and siblings. I’m afraid the “big guys” had the most fun though with their type A competitive spirits. We’re lucky someone didn’t die of a heart attack!



So fun to see cousins back together!  They really only see each other once a year as a total group.


Relay races kept everyone cheering (and almost dying from exertion).



The official Eyrealm Foundation meeting was terrific this year. It was a big year for contributions to great causes where our own kids were able to be there to oversee the contribution.  Great reports were given by Tal and Anita about their experiences in Mozambique and India, Josh showed us what he did in Ethiopia and Charity had a chance to tell us about her grand adventure at Rising Star Outreach along with Tal and Anita.

Eli and Julie prepared a wonderful Japanese curry dinner at our adults only meeting that was stimulating and informative. Okay, so you can’t see anybody but Charity below, but you get the idea!


We had a family talent show that started our very calmly as each child presented a talent:




And we somehow ended up with a huge family dance which was absolutely wild fun!




Other great events include the traditional Candy Bar Game that all the kids LOVE!


AND the family tennis tournament!  This year’s winners were pretty excited and the losers…what can I say:



We also started a new tradition for the littlest kids this year:  Joshie School. They had a great time learning from “the master teacher”!


Much to the delight of the kids, our mascot this year was Ponyo, Jonah and Aja’s chicken extraordinaire!  She added a little spice and a few eggs to the festivities!



Although some of the dads had to go back to work after the reunion, the girls and kids stayed on along with cousins Ben and Ashley and kids and friends who are continually in and out. We LOVE IT!

I am so grateful for Saydi and Jeff and their wonderful organizational skills that made this year’s reunion spectacular!  I know I overuse that word, but it describes things so well!_

Many thanks to all those who put up with the mayhem and the cooks extraordinaire as we enjoyed fabulous food! We had 35-37 people most days for about two weeks which when you count it up adds to over a hundred meals a day! Crazy fun!

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