Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tony's Graduation!


Anthony Scott Carver graduated from the University of Utah last week!  He has two great job offers and is so excited to be DONE!  It was so fun to sit with the Carvers during graduation and catch up a bit on what's up with them. They are just THE BEST! Plus we had our own little cheering section. 

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It was a long wait, but worth it, even though I didn't get a picture of the graduate! 

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Pat and Chelsea's Cayden was as happy as a clam until we all screamed for Tony when he finally came through the line and scared him to death!  After that, he just couldn't be consoled!

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Other than that everyone had a great time.  Next for the Cavers:  THE OPENING OF TONY BURGERS COMING SOON! 

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